Misanthropists, what is the main reason you hate humanity?

We put too much value on human life and soul. Souls don't exist, it's a way to pat ourselves on the back and feel that we are important, hint we are not. We are but a speck of dust on a rock floating in space in an average star system in an average galaxy, doomed to drown in our own filth.

We treat each other horribly, we always did and will always do as such is our nature. We are naive and stupid, looking to separate ourselves from our neighbors so that we feel good about our mediocrity, we segregate people based on their origin, their ancestors, or their sex, as if they had a say in it.

We are too dumb to see that all of this is because some pissbutt ding dongs are so entitled that just living a comfortable life isn't enough, nooooo they need more, as if the extra yacht within the bigger yacht will improve their life.

Like for real, do all these dumdum racists think immigrants care about muh country? All they wanted was to live their own simple life in their land, but no the ding dongs in oil companies, the lobbyists, the presidents and every other dirtbag needed to shove their hand up the ass of other countries, thanks America!, keep it real! Don't get me started on their god damn lawyers, they deserve a special place in hell.

Also, for the regular folk, most of them are walking pieces of poo, constantly looking for ways to reduce other people because they're uncomfortable being mediocre. Surprise, even after that you are still the same rotten walking pile of poo.

Tldr; Because we are stupid and naive.

/r/AskReddit Thread