Misconceptions about Thorn, Weapon Balancing, and Primary Weapons

Honestly I think your approach to weapon balancing is wrong and so is bungie's at the moment.

How dare you say that you might ask, let me explain my view.

The current balance is not balance, it is pseudo balance. We have scout rifles at the top with Mida being awesome, which is fine because it is an exotic. And there's the problem, exotics right now do not shine at all, I personally believe exotics should be able to compete with any weapon class unless you use them totally out of proportion.

Atm there's only 3 exotics worth the name in pvp: Thorn, Mida and jade rabbit and maybe the Zalo.

Thorns only problem is still range imo.

The balance we now have is that HC are shit, every kill with them including last word and first curse feel like a 100% sweat. Snipers are being outclassed by scouts, autos are still mediocre except the doctrine.

Not shure if I'm making sense in just typing my stream of thoughts...

The way I see it is that balancing in general needs finer rework and real niches for weapon types, and exotics are on an other level, because right now they are not exotic. They are mostly mediocre with a yellow background.... :P

What I try to say is: we need weapon unbalancing according to their field of use and exotics that feel like they are exotics.

Range: sniper > scout >high impact auto> HC >high impact fusion >high RoF auto > low impact fusion > sidearm > shotty

Ttk: Sniper headie > any exotic > the rest

Skip grenades need less tracking, but that was mixed up with nothing menacles.

If bungie keeps doing their blanket nerfs and balancing based on a hand full of streamers will never get to something that's fun again for all. Honestly vanilla had better balancing than now (except suros and fusions)

You need to understand that not one gun is broken, but all of them are right now, because they are not where they all should be performance wise.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread