Misogynistic guy degrading female workers gets tackled

Idk man, I’m only 5’9, so i can’t really imagine what he might have gone through but if you are out looking for funeral arrangements when it’s known your mom died 2 days ago and you still get made fun of for being so small with a very big laugh and snort, That’s probably my worst encounter so far, only 26, but I’ve had a number of other from job interviews to restaurants, work, etc. So i don’t wanna know what he has gone through but I can imagine it could potentially be far worse.

If I had to guess he probably turned to online as a last resort and after getting rejected many times it probably didn’t roll over. So for him to be so angry like that, I can definitely see how it’d manifest, I get how it might happen but I don’t condone it. And yeah with some of the echo chambers those can definitely further push a hopeless narrative for an individual. Not even going to touch the numerous other things that come with being short and what traits those get related to. :\ tough world, and user exp can drastically differ.

Though like another user said, I’d really liked to have seen what pushed him over his breaking point.

:\ I hope things work out for him though. Loneliness sucks. Hopefully he’ll have some good moments of reflection and some positive experiences to help push him in a better direction.

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