I miss the days when i didnt have sex

this is a well thought out and positive comment, so cheers for that!

i would also add: have you (OP) ever been turned down for sex by your boyfriend?

my SO and i went through a longish period of differing sex drives (his was about 100x mine) due to birth control adjustment issues and it always drove me MAD that his attitude would visibly change when i rejected his advances. i thought that he was being ridiculous and childish by acting grumpy after i said no and i felt pressured to say yes just to avoid it. other than sex, every thing in our relationship was 10/10 so it was really very frustrating.

libido issues worked themselves out and all was well until about a month ago when my SO turned ME down one night (which had never ever happened before).

it really felt ... so weird and so horrible and so sad to think that he didn't want me. and it was incredibly frustrating that the only answer he could give was that he just "didn't feel like it". it was very difficult to not take it personally and it was honestly so confusing and hurtful. even though he was physically there with me, talking to me and comforting me it just made me feel very lonely.

it turned out that he had a major flu coming on, but that night really really sucked and felt horrible. it really put things into perspective for me about how he must have felt during all of those months before.

not at all saying that anyone should EVER have sex with anyone if they aren't 100% into it. just saying, that experience really changed my perspective on things and made me realize that no relationship can ever be 10/10 if one partner feels rejected all the time and the other feels guilt for rejecting. when everything else works, it can seem like a differing sex drive is just such a small thing that can be ignored but it really takes an emotional toll on both parties in the relationship.

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