I miss the launch of Classic WoW

I agree with most of this, as about 12 of my friends were into classic on launch, now we are down to 2 of us. One thing I don’t agree with is your view on the raid consumes and prep. I see a lot of people complaining about this, and it really isn’t a big deal. I can’t speak for melee, but I know what pots they use and it can’t be THAT much more, but as a hunter who uses full consumes/world buffs(besides flask) consumes cost me less than the gold I make in the raids. For world buffs, if you’re on your server discord you can get all your buffs within 10-30 minutes depending how fast you are and if you pay for summons, and it can all be done the day before, or even day of raid if you plan well. I casually line up times on my phone and it probably takes 2 minutes of my time. One of my friends made this excuse because he was either too lazy to get them, or it all seemed too intimidating to him to even start doing. I recommend just finding a casual guild doing MC and going from there.

/r/classicwow Thread