Missing My University Assignments

Hello! I am not in university but struggled the same way you did when I was in high school with doing school online and trying to hand in work on time while dealing with adhd, depression and severe social anxiety.

I could be wrong but it sounds like you might have adhd. For focusing on your homework I would recommend going to your university’s library or your local public library and try to do your online classes there some days. You can also try putting on quiet classical music or quiet instrumental versions of songs you would normally listen to. I would also try and break down your assignments so it doesn’t seem so overwhelming.

I know you said it was hard for you to talk to your doctor so maybe you can do some research on your own or with your mom about adhd and then the next time you go to the doctor your mom can help you talk about it with your doctor about getting assessed for it.

Im sorry I wrote so much but remember you will never be a hassle to others. If your not feeling well or are feeling uncomfortable tell someone. Im sure that there are lots of people that want to help you and to see you grow and succeed.

/r/depression Thread