Missionary is being held hostage by the church

Your brother needs to immediately take asylum at a US Embassy and call for help. Hope he's in a country that has a good relationship with our country. The kids cult needs to stop with that nonsense. What they are doing is extremely illegal plus if he goes to an embassy he also needs to get a hold of the international criminal court which is in the Netherlands and maybe they can help I'm sure they deal with human trafficking and extortion all the time so it wouldn't be new to them I also mentioned extortion because more then anything what they are doing classifies as extortion but since he's far away from his home and he doesn't want anything to do with the LDS and they are doing everything they can to keep him from coming home. If your brother needs to if you get ahold of him also tell him to beat the shit out of anyone from the cult he legally can do that even though that's considered physical assault/battery in a lot of countries including the United States but most likely they'd probably try to push or hit him first so he could punch them in an act of self defense

/r/exmormon Thread