Do you think mistakes at work are held at a different standard for people of colour for some employers? Like their mistakes are judged more harshly?

Non-white woman here who is a Type A overperformer and hell yes.

I 100% have been held to different standards than everyone else. I've been made to act or feel grateful for being given an opportunity as a POC and expected to act deferential, so my mistakes have more of a, "WE GAVE YOU THIS JOB! How dare you!" vibe.

I'm at a different job now and for the first time in 7 years of being in my industry, my manager actually asked me the other day whether I ever feel like I can't speak up or push back because of my race.

Not making this up. I had to go to mediation twice over this (I didn't report it, multiple other people reported my treatment. I didn't feel I could stand up for myself due to the increased risk of bullying or losing a job because of my race. I was one of only a few other non-white person of staff and none of the others wanted to paint a target on their backs, which I don't particularly blame them for).

/r/work Thread