MMT, anarchism, and immediate needs

Check out Jonathan Nitzan and Shimshon Bichler's Capital as Power theory. Nitzan and Bichler are more libertarian socialists in the general sense rather than specifically ancoms but they are anti-market and anti-state.

Their stuff on what they call the "social hologram" and Thorstein Veblen's distinction between business and industry (which they use) kinda of echo what Kropotkin was getting at in his argument for communism. They also make use of Cornelius Castoriadis' 'The Imaginary Institution of Society'.

They're also influenced by one of our favorites: Lewis Mumford.

Their theory of the state also echoes what Kropotkin wrote on the subject, and their theory is overall very anarchist-friendly.

A lot of ancoms are adopting it as their alternative to Marx's political economy.

Here's a PDF of their book Capital as Power: A Study of Order and Creorder:

/r/Anarchy101 Thread