[Mod] Hello, I'm Careless! Let's talk about the recent rule change. But first, I'm going to address the vile accusations made against me recently.

I don't know who is right or wrong in all of this (and generally the truth is somewhere in the middle), but I wanted to take a moment to be more human about all of this.

First, you've obviously spent a lot of time over the years maintaining this subreddit, and many have benefited from that. Moderator is a thankless job, and people fixate on every mistake, but I did want to personally say thanks for all of the effort you've put into this over the years. Wherever the truth lies in all of these recent developments, you did a lot of good for the Seattle reddit community, so thanks for all of that!

Second, it so easy to forget that real people are behind these user names. I don't know you, but regardless of whether or not you should continue to be a moderator, I hope you're doing ok personally. Internet communities come and go, and this one may be hitting its twilight, but hopefully you're able to take a break from it all, get some space, and just breathe a little bit. I know all of this would be super draining to me, and I'm sure you've spent a lot of time and energy in recent days and hours internally debating on the best course of action. Just don't let it stress you out in real life, its not worth having your health suffer over a web site.

Honestly, I'm guessing in the long run having this subreddit fade away might actually be a positive thing for you, even though it may not seem that way right now, as I'm sure it takes tons of energy and lots of dealing with the whims of all types of users (both good and terrible). I totally get not wanting to let people scream really loud and dictate your actions going forward, but make sure to put your health and real life first, even if it means letting go of this.

Anyway, thanks again for all of your time over the years, wishing you well in the real world!

/r/Seattle Thread