[Mod] Open Forum

What reply is there to the suggestion that "Person A has independently decided that Person B thinks they're better than Person A (and others)"? I can't change the mind of someone who has decided that they know someone's mind better than that person knows their own. Someone who decides to read their own agenda into another's words or actions, interpreting them in whatever way is most convenient for their purposes. There's no response to make, which is why people resort to arguments based on feelings. You've decided to feel that way and feelings aren't the most rational things out there. Strangely, you seem to think that trying to take this to a personal level is going to make some kind of difference. Your comment about people disliking what they perceive to be someone thinking they're better isn't anything like a rejection to me. Not sure why you'd view it that way. Nice try, though. I'm not interested in a drawn-out thing about this issue because the point is moot - DPPW isn't active and I'm not even on the mod list over there. Enjoy your evening, I know I will.

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