[Mod-Post] Mod/Arryn Applications.

Moderatorship application

  • What relevant experience, if any, you have in this field?

For subs as per say, I don't have any experience. Although, I have experience in managing in many other spheres. I'm a supervisor in a technical support and have to manage a whole team. I have experience managing and moderating private servers for some MMORPGs that could sometime reach up to 200 players.

  • What would you bring to the moderation team, and the subreddit as a whole?

I'm very active. Even more so during the school period. And right now what the mod team and the sub need are active mods that will stick to the job. A stable team will bring stability to the sub. I am willing to push forward. I'm also bringing game design knowledge, good energy, motivation and will to go forward and bring the sub somewhere else.

  • What do you think the role entails, what would be your strengths and weaknesses in this role?

Moderators have several roles. They have the role of a mediators or a diplomat if you wish as they communicate with the population of players and have to solve various situations. Communication is key. Good communication solves most problems. They also have a word to say for the development of the game; deciding mechanics, tweaking numbers, bringing in new rules. Lastly, as per their activity, they have to fill daily and weekly tasks that may sometime be redundant but are vital to the sub (tradesheet, claimlist, etc).

I work very well in team. I can be pushy but quite understanding. I'm able to switch to an objective view pretty easily which has always been one of my strength when managing whether it is in job or hobbies. For the recurrent tasks, I'm VERY motivated to update the claimslist and possibly attack the resource sheet. These are things that irritate me when not done and I would gladly make sure they get done.

I think one of my weakness is that English is not my native language and sometime I can pick the wrong wording and that can lead to little irritations. Another weakness of mine is that I'm quite idealistic and sometime push further and things can. Some things need time and I tend to run on passion.

  • Do you have any other skills or abilities which may benefit the mod team and the game?

I have a degree in Game Design and a design in Video game Studies that gave me a different perspective on game in generals. If the mod teams decides to push forward in modifying mechanics, I am certain I can bring excellent advice.

I'm decent with Photoshop, spreadsheets/functions and am just generally technology savvy.

  • What are tasks on the moderation team you would enjoy, and which wouldn’t you?

Updating the claimslist, possibly the resources sheet. Working on mechanics.

I probably wouldn't enjoy dealing with mod abuse, cynicism and arrogance. Having to deal with reddit's interface.

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