Mod of /r/fatpeoplehate bans multiple members over a grammar joke, drama ensues

You can't expect to see immediate change in a battle against bigotry and racism, especially on the Internet but I'd argue there are some users the come here hateful and close minded that over time through being called out and educated about there views change open their minds to the fact that their beliefs are wrong. You don't win the war by winning one battle. A prime example of r a real life racist who no longer is from what I see of him now would be someone I'm related to. He grew up in the deep country, the only experiences he had with PoC around his age were a lot of people who were what can be honestly described as in the wanna be thug phase a lot of kids have, or did in the area he grew up in. When surrounded by others his age who also thought this was how PoC all were, along with in music videos perpetuating this stereotype, and a bunch of back woods adults perpetuating that stereotype he thought all PoC were legitimately like that. Well to make a long story shorter, he moved to a city where that wasn't the case, and there were a lot more people of different races doing a lot more than the stereotypes they had reinforced in his previous community. Through time being called out adults in this new larger community, being shown what he thought was fact was wrong, and by meeting more people who didn't meet his preconceived notions his views slowly but surely changed. The last time I went to visit him there were people of all sorts of races and ethnicities at a party he was hosting, people can change if they are shown the error in their ways, not all will, but some can and will if presented with being shown they are wrong and called out on it.

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