[Mod] Simple Questions - the weekly stupid questions thread! - Week Beginning September 23, 2019

I’m attempting to wake up early at 430 AM and be at the gym at 5 AM. I’m looking for a preworkout/breakfast shake that I can make in one of the older and small nutribullets. I think the cup is 18 oz. cant fit too much in it. Any suggestions on something that’s quick and digests fast? Calories aren’t an issue since I’m bulking right now.

Bonus question: do the older nutribullets have bigger cups I can buy? This is the one I have https://m.kohls.com/product/prd-118811/magic-bullet-express-17-pc-blending-system.jsp?skuid=87494082&ci_mcc=ci&utm_campaignSMALL%20ELECTRICS&utm_medium=CSE&utm_source=google&utm_product=87494082&CID=shopping30&pid=googleadwords_int&skuId=87494082&storeIds=210&gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=CjwKCAjwibzsBRAMEiwA1pHZrsz_twnaTNRinPfBmyEN7OJF-eRihkIdzBVKe9u9mjHnO5XXkt79aRoCaJIQAvD_BwE

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