Moderation, if you censor this post, I will have lost all faith in you

Dude... I've kinda lost faith in you... I've been sort of defending you for providing an interesting and certainly idiosyncratic counterpoint to a lot of the group think here, but this just doesn't measure up.

David started this sub, that said this is the first time he's intervened in the sub here for more than two years.

In his own words, he didn't consult any of us either, so the post at the origin of this one is just so much hot air and drama.

Also, no; none of your wild speculations have any basis in fact or reason and if you'll give it a couple of more minutes you will have an actual response from the mods that run this sub on a day to day basis.

So, hold your horses and wait for our response before wildly galloping off into fantasy land.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread