Modern day feminism is almost solely about the hatred of white men.

Poor White Boys do poorly in schools because a lot of poor white boys are told that school is uncool. While poor kids of colour would be grounded or beaten if they misbehaved at school.

It's quite simple. In the 1980s in my neighbourhood of Clyde only one kid born that year went to university.


We got more heroin junkies than University graduates. That's not because the schools failed them or gave me a leg up. In fact I didn't get one.

It's because my famiily gave me one. My family pushed for excellence.

As were not enough. I need A*s. I could watch TV? After I finished homework and after I finished studying. My parents would read with me so studying was normal.

You don't get why minorities perform well, it's because education is seen as a way out of poverty.

Are you SERIOUS with this? I don't know what minority race you're from, but I'm going to assume it's black since you mentioned growing up in a town riddled with heroin junkies.

You need to educate yourself about what the modern black students are growing through since it's obvious the time passed you by. Both my parents are minorities, one is black, and both of them teach at predominantly black middle schools and high schools. Most black kids as a whole have ZERO respect for the school system, ZERO respect for teachers, and ZERO respect for education as a whole. Black kids are constantly getting easier and easier curriculum because superintendents are desperate for grades to improve so they can get more funding.

These kids are fighting, selling drugs, and skipping class in MIDDLE CLASS neighborhoods. There are no gangs or street violence. They just do not give a fuck. Black kids, specifically black men, are the highest underperformers in high school classrooms. It is more likely for a black man graduate high school in jail than go to college. And you say-

You don't get why minorities perform well, it's because education is seen as a way out of poverty.

On what planet??? Maybe if you're talking about Asian students or even African immigrants, then sure. But American black kids? Most black kids could give two FUCKS about school. And their parents FACILITATE them. I've seen students who begged the school for free and reduced lunch come to school with a brand new weave and their nails done the next DAY. I've seen black parents come to the school to intimidate or fight 15 YEAR olds who were messing with their kids. I've seen black parents fighting each OTHER in school parking lots. Most black parents don't care what their kids are doing school. And that's because they're usually single mothers that have no idea how to raise a kid, and keep spending money on themselves and getting pregnant rather than actually dedicating funds to their kids education.

My parents were like yours. They MADE me value education. But don't you dare try to pretend like that's common in the black community when it's the exact opposite, because it's that willful ignorance of reality that has set minority communities so far back in the first place.

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