Modern Moderate AuthCenter, doesn't even know any real ideology. Just hates brown people.

Man I love and hate 40k.
It's a cool setting combined with criticism of the dangers of authoritarianism and overly xenophobic practices but then you have idiots that either don't understand that or are willingly trying to pervert it.

You have the more conservative players that agree with the Imperium's methods and are generally responsible for the "40k is for nazis".

Then you have the SJWs that disagree with the Imperium's methods and attitudes but don't understand that it's intended to be a mockery and would rather that the setting be childproofed to match the politics of (current year).

Personally I think that for every change in real life politics, the world of 40k should be cranked up in insanity, not down.

Green text wall is over now

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