Modern ‘New Atheism’ has taken a hard right wing turn nowadays (especially online) & can no longer be classified as a left wing movement (Please see my explanation below)

I think it's more about where disenfranchised western men gather on the internet than anything about "new atheism" as a mouvement. Maybe I'm just projecting but in the last 10 years I actually followed the movement without really realising it, first when I discovered atheism and my not-so-religious but still kinda religious views were shattered then with Rubin, a bit of anti-feminism, and I was even amused by early presidential-nominee Trump. Fortunatly I developped critical thinking abilities along the way and ended-up realizing that I wasn't as much part of a few who could see among a world of blind people but just with another group blind people. I think the fact that I was depressed and generally unsatisfied with my life and myself, really, played a role in my adhesion to the group, it fed my very bruised ego. Just an anecdote but I see my younger self in a lot of what those people do.

/r/samharris Thread