Modern Romance.

By your logic, you too had no logic or stats. You claim that 80% of women have sex with 20% of men, which besides the fact that that is mathematically impossible, is an opinion of yours and not a fact. The reason why I don't wish to argue with you is because you do not back your hatred of women with any facts other than your own confirmation bias. You believe this bullshit because it "feels" true to you, even if it isn't. You are the type of person who has their insecurities preyed on when it comes to dating, the type that believes the only way to ever be with a woman is to "dominate" and be "alpha". You seem to have this really fucked up opinion that women owe you sex, that somehow you earned that right and that it is your responsibility to go out and take it. You believe that women just want to take everything from you, cheat on you, and have sex with whoever they want. You don't even bother to think about the male side of the issues you face or anything that you could possibly be doing wrong, you just blame women. And in order to keep going with this totally fucked ideology you have, you tell yourself you need to be "alpha" and that anyone else is a chump who is fooled by women. You need a massive reality check dude, relationships aren't some sort of battle for control with women. If a woman you are dating wishes to leave you or cheat on you, that is her choice, but people like you would rather let their insecurities confirm their belief that women are selfish whores. The reality is that good relationships are based off of trust and compromise. If you think that you can only keep a woman by controlling her, dominating her, and by being "alpha" at all times then I seriously worry for any woman sorry enough to be caught in that trap. That kind of emotional abuse is fucked up. You feel like women have "wronged you" and that you need to take back power for yourself. But in reality you just do not have the mental fortitude to accept that other people can do what they want and that you have no control over how people act in relationships. Are you happy with me finally giving you my opinion on you? Now go take your sorry ass back to /r/theredpill so that you can go convince yourself that you would be such a great and wonderful guy to date.

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