[ModPost] /r/TIFU is now accepting applications to become moderator!

  1. How much do you reddit everyday and how much do you frequent /r/tifu ? Be honest!

    i'm on reddit on and off throughout the day, i don't really go on tifu much. Normally only on tifu to read modmail or to remove dump stuff.

  2. What do you like about /r/tifu? Your answer can refer to the content of the subreddit or the way it is run.

    i like reading some of the interesting situations people get into.

  3. An angry user comes into modmail. How do you treat the situation?

    tbh i normally completely ignore any anger in the message and just take out the question and try to answer the question as neutral as possible

  4. A very popular post with thousands of upvotes is at the front page of reddit. You notice that it breaks the rules. What actions do you take?

    I remove it.

  5. Do you think a reddit moderator should ever “let the upvotes decide?” Why or why not?

    eh no. a lot of threads get traction before mods can intervene. once a thread get a bunch of votes usually a mods is more likely to see it therefor it's prob removed, maybe too late but still.

  6. What hobbies do you do in your spare time? Gaming, reading, macaroni art, etc.

    i play video games and watch movies mostly

  7. Do you have any experience with CSS, Automod, or Toolbox?


  8. Do you have any experience with moderating? It doesn’t necessarily have to be through reddit.

    yeah i mod a few subs; /r/tifu /r/Showerthoughts /r/CasualConversation and a few others

  9. What timezone are you in, and when are you available?

    -6 UTC normally around 8am - midnight

  10. What’s your favorite movie?

    Catch me if you can

  11. Do you have any ideas for /r/tifu that you’d like to undertake or start as a moderator (It’s totally fine if you say “no”!).

    i'd like a simplified sidebar maybe but im too lazy to take that up

  12. If you could have an ice cream sundae with whatever ice cream or topping you wanted, what would you put on it?

    just vanilla icecream, that's all i like

  13. Is there anything you’d want us to be aware of before adding you?

    idk, i'm probably too lazy to mod here but i'd try as best as i can

  14. Can you give a commitment to help out the subreddit?


  15. Any other comments?

    i feel like i answered some questions rather lazily but that's just what i do. if you pick me cool, if not awesome.

/r/tifu Thread