#ModtalkLeaks What are Modtalk's thoughts on the New York Times article describing reddit as a 'den of toxicity' for this sites hosting of many altright/white supremacists spaces

Nothing in that comment has anything to do with what I've said. You seem to be falling back on hackneyed rhetorical devices without even addressing any of the issues I've raised. What have you raised? You've darted from issue to issue depending on whether you want to answer the uncomfortable questions that conflict with your alternative fact reality. Saying that the existence of toxic shitholes on Reddit is preferable to the NYT on account of whatever fringe theory you subscribe to about warmongering can really only be attributed to whatever mind altering substances you seem to enjoy. whatever fringe theory you subscribe to about warmongering Is a belief that the wars in the last few decades have cost millions of lives a fringe belief now? No, that's fact. Fiction is where you think the newspaper was somehow a cheerleader for the war instead of just reporting what was going on and letting various persons of divergent viewpoints publish op/eds. Fiction is where you think the newspaper was somehow a cheerleader for the war Even the New York Times [url expansion= https://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/2g/public-editor 'covering- new-war-in-shadow-of- old- ] admits it was a cheerleader in the run up to the war. That's the public editor. The current/final one's description specifically describes her opinions as her own.

(end of OCR)

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