Monday Cautious Intros and First Trimester Questions

Not many places to put this so here's a vent...

After a very low beta at 10dpt, we finally have an update.

Our surrogacy agency just called and said they had just heard from our clinic that our surrogate's HCG level is 379 (doubling time of 30.9hrs!) but that the surrogate's progesterone is a 7(!) at 14dpt. The clinic apparently questioned her on how she is administering the PIO and she just now admitted having difficulty getting it in the right spot, so they're concerned about absorption. I am STEAMING mad that this has not been caught before now, as I was already feeling pretty dispirited. Fuck all this. The agency coordinator is calling her boss to see if they can get a nurse to come administer PIO in the meantime, but it seems like too little, too late. Any thoughts are most welcome in terms of viability, etc.

/r/InfertilityBabies Thread