Monday morning Creative Writing exercise

You aren't a part of this one, but that isn't stopping you.

Because this one is run by a bunch of purist partisan idealogues (just as THEIRS IS) with no common sense gatekeeping others by scouring their comment history for any non-pure thoughts or grounds for disqualification, complaining to moderators about failures of purity tests

What triggers you about feminism?

Equal rights and equal pay were passed by the Supreme court 60 years ago, but they're still marching outside it, carrying signs asking for those things they already have, because they read more gender studies books than history books, and they don't want equality, they want preferential treatment, and harbor hateful misandrist zealots who simply HATE MEN.

What triggers you about black lives matter?

Nothing. Fuck the police. Cops are killers.

What triggers you about net neutrality?

Corporate tug of war. All options are bad ones.

So close to self awareness.

I'd rather be close to it than wherever the fuck you guys are, off in la la land.

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