Money can change a person

Years ago, one of the few times my family got together for dinner while we were all at college/in different cities, my Mom has a groupon for a Mexican restaurant.

We sit down and start looking at the menu. Because of the groupon, our bill was going to be pretty cheap. I was looking to get the huevos con chorizo. My mom chimes in "Mmm, no, you should get the steak. It's more expensive." I blinked, and said no, I'm not getting a 'steak' at a Mexican restaurant; I'd had this dish in Mexico and it was really good. "No, get the steak, it's more expensive." I don't care, I don't want the steak. "Sweetie, I have a groupon, get the steak, don't waste it on that."

By then, I'd had enough. Not only were my siblings in bitchy moods, I'd been up since 4am because of my job, so I'm tired and in no mood to deal with her usual bullshit. At the time, I was in my 20s, and my mom was chiding me to order something I didn't want to at a restaurant. I'm a grown man, who lives in a different city in his own apartment with 4 years of college under his belt, and my mom is trying to order my food for me. The waitress comes up and takes our order. I toss my menu aside "Well, I guess since I have no choice, I'll have the steak." Immediately my mom starts freaking out. "No, no! You said you wanted that other thing! Why are you ordering that! No, waitress, come here, he doesn't want the steak. What is it you wanted?"

That only made me furious. If it was initially her idea of a joke, I was going to make her choke on it. The waitress kind of hovered there uncertain, so I just casually said to my mom, "No, you said I should have the steak, I'll have the fucking steak." And that was the last thing I said to her for the rest of the day. In fact, most of what anyone said. And I was right: the steak was fucking terrible. Probably the worst slice of beef I've had to be called a steak.

She texted me later that night, saying how sorry she was, that she shouldn't have belittled me in front of my siblings and in front of a bunch of strangers like that, and how horrible and unfair it was to treat a grown man like that. Too little, too late.

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