'Monster' who ripped out girlfriend’s intestines for yelling her husband’s name during sex gets life in prison

That's insane. Thanks for bringing me this new info. But firing Squad scares me as they let a person bleed out and often without a doctor. Saudi Arabia has a fast sword to the neck and they are hiring for executioner in Saudi Arabia.

In my homeland they executed cops and soldiers that wrongfully killed people, anyone kills anyone it is always firing squad execution, although I have yet to see them execute a woman and I know women have killed people in the past in Somalia. I gotta find out if they discriminate and only firing squad execute men. https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&sxsrf=ALeKk00n6eE54t_diEVBY6biyj7scqtpxQ%3A1598676240728&source=hp&ei=EN1JX8PdKYextQafs7T4DA&q=daawo+xukun+dil&oq=daawo+xukun+dil&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoCCAA6BQgAELEDOggIABCxAxCDAToGCAAQBRAeOgQIABAeOgYIABAIEB46BAgAEA06CAgAEAgQDRAeOgUIIRCrAlCbCFjRKmClMGgBcAB4AIABlgGIAdgMkgEEMy4xMpgBAKABAbABAA&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img

/r/MorbidReality Thread Parent Link - independent.co.uk