Montana Supreme Court says citizens have a right to trial by jury before the state can take private property in civil forfeiture cases

I don't know if my story legally applies to this, but I still have my story from my time in Montana.

2003, I just turned 15 and I went to hang out with my bf (he was 17 at the time) and his friends (16-20 years of age).

When we arrived at his friend's house, he wasn't there, but our friends roommate +friends we knew were there.

Although the roommate was a year older, he was still alright with hanging out with the "younger adults". As it turned out, this was a bad idea.

Our friend we originally wanted to visit was gone for a reason, specifically a traffic warrant, more specifically, a parking ticket. We didn't know this at the time.

Being teens, we binged on weed, ramen, and xbox, waiting for the person we came for to arrive at his own house.

We waited another hour before smoking a "good bye" bowl.

As luck would have it, there was a knock on the front door.

I should now mention that the neighborhood wasn't A+. These guys took great precautions to COMPLETELY lock the front door, they went in with epoxy, they jammed the couch up to it, and they never even got the key.

There was no way the front door would open.

A few more bangs later, and some shouting, we realized it was actually the local PD at the door.

Like any perfectly innocent people, we all ran to the nearest bedroom, fired up the xbox, and started playing halo, you know, because that all smelled of "innocence".

So, my ex and the main roommate went outside to confront the police, after the police were told the front door didn't work. Gun's were drawn, threats were made.

Meanwhile, me and the gang of halos were busy trying to ignore it all and act cool.

When the, rather large native american PO I knew from previous encounters entered the room, all any of us could muster up was, "wassup?".

You know, not, "OMG what is going one?!", not, "I'm scared because I heard you telling my friend he needed to lay flat on the ground or get shot!"


Just, "Wassup?".

Apparently (as I was told), he ran outside, and was crying with laughter.

He told my ex and the roommate of our friend, he just wanted an empty baggy, or some sort of something he could bring back for a report as evidence, and he wouldn't mention any of our names.

We gave him a little glass chillum.

They went away, none of use got in trouble (I should add, neither did our friend who they were originally looking for).

All is well that ends well right?

Btw, pot is legal in MT, it was legal a few years after this incident.

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