Monte's VOD reviews have been more interesting to watch than the games live

CLG's comp was good because one of the easiest ways to beat the "juggermaw" composition is to just kill everyone else. You have a Lulu, Janna, and Corki who are all shieldless (because they're targeting Kog) getting absolutely eviscerated by Vlad/Karthus.

I'm 90% certain MonteCristo already watched the games before analyzing them, so he gets the foresight of "CLG lost, therefore their comp must suck." I'd take the CLG comp vs TL's any day of the week in game 2. Dominate would have to play out of his mind to somehow keep CLG off of the back line.

Vladimir has permanent pressure on the Lulu lane (up 140 cs by the end), AND it's Juggermaw, meaning TL has to pre-group to do anything. CLG now gets to choose, whenever TL groups, to trade turrets for dragons or simply TP flank with Vladimir to win a team fight. CLG routinely chose to bring Vladimir in (and in the Dragon fight for example, he's even in a flank position). How exactly do you plan on kiting Karthus and Vladimir when your entire back line is stunned for 1.5 seconds via Glacial Prison? How do you expect to win that fight when even with Glacial Prison missing, Requiem brought most of the team to ~200 health?

Now maybe there's a world where TL plays the fights better and positions themselves such that there are no good Sej ults available. But that's not the game I saw. The game I saw told me that if Xmithie just aimed better, CLG had an easy win.

One thing I think is difficult with analysis is finding which perspective to approach from and controlling all the biases that come with it.

For example, if you go FROM the Juggermaw perspective and FROM the "kill pressure on the top lane" perspective because you're predisposed to thinking Juggermaw is the best comp and predisposed to thinking Vladimir needs a babysitter for kill pressure, I understand. I understand the points people are making if they're coming from that direction.

But I'm coming from the opposite side: I feel Vladimir is just good by himself. If he's in a lane where he can't be ganked (and we saw he couldn't be killed by Lulu/Nunu), he gets a push lead and a farm lead (and did). ZionSpartan was a permanent immovable pressure point for TL. CLG now had the option to make any choice they wanted with the Vladimir lane because they controlled it. I come from the perspective that I think an AoE wombo team will defeat a support-heavy double-AD or support-heavy Juggermaw comp, because you just kill any 3 champions and the teamfight is over.

I thought that after picks and bans and I thought that after watching the game play out. The entire reason I think CLG's comp is good is because they had "guaranteed" engage tools for their AoE mages to win the fights. If you replace Sejuani with Lee Sin, I think CLG's comp is garbage. If you replace Sejuani with Nidalee or Rek'Sai, I think CLG's comp is garbage. But they had Sejuani so their comp would work. Unfortunately, Sejuani wasn't part of CLG's comp; there were no good ultimates in those team fights, so CLG lost.

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