Monthly Discussion Thread

Regarding text, we might already be able to do this with chatGPT. It would be interesting to have one like the one you mention, though, one based on generate AI art images and trained specifically for this purpose.

Prompt: Write an unrelated story that subliminally influences the reader into believing they should spent less time on the internet. The story should not mention the internet directly.

It was a beautiful summer day, and Sarah was enjoying the warmth of the sun on her skin. She had been cooped up inside for far too long, and she was determined to make the most of this day. She decided to go for a walk in the park, and as she strolled along the paths, she felt her mood lift. The fresh air and the sounds of nature were a welcome change from the constant hum of technology that had become such a constant presence in her life.

As she walked, Sarah noticed a group of children playing in the grass. They were laughing and running around, completely absorbed in their make-believe world. Sarah couldn't help but smile at their carefree joy. She realized that she had been so focused on her phone and her computer that she had been missing out on the simple pleasures of life.

She decided then and there to make a change. She would spend less time staring at her phone.

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