Monthly Rant/Rage Thread - February 2018

gue kemarin marah-marah sendiri padahal sepele, bego, dan first world problems banget. i felt so bratty.

jadi kemarin naik busway. turun ojek di bawah jembatan penyebrangannya dan ternyata halte barunya udah jadi. sayangnya jalan di jembatan ke halte barunya sendiri lumayan (as opposed to the shorter distance from the base of the bridge to the old platform). dari situ mulai agak bete. sambil nunggu bus dateng, gue liat keadaan halte yang baru. platformnya lebih panjang, masih bersih, kipas anginnya nyala. makin lama gue liat, makin sadar apa aja yang kurang.

gue gak tau haltenya sendiri belum 100% siap apa gimana tapi kayak yang bener aja petunjuk arah, plat nama tujuannya masih pake kertas yang dilaminating dan ditempel pake solasi? itu ubin udah bagus pake ubin taktil untuk difabel. tapi ketika naik ke jembatan, ubin taktilnya ga ada. yang paling parah, pas busnya dateng, sensor pintu otomatis di platform masih harus ditahan pake tangan sama orang lain biar tetep kebuka karena bawaannya mau nutup terus. kasarnya udah cape-cape dan mahal-mahal bikin yang baru... jadinya masih gini aja? did the people who designed this even think of the usability of the place to begin with???

also the frequency of the buses seem to be reduced. so once you wait at the platform, you won't know exactly how long the waiting time's gonna be. 30 mins, 15 mins, 45 mins cos the first two buses are full. JUST WOW.

satu hal lagi yang bikin gue agak ngenes with the whole busway shenanigans: they freakin' hired people whose job is to solely open and close the busway-only lane.......... i get that it's not my right to feel sorry especially cos that means more people get to have jobs, but like, isn't it... inhumane?

i'm truly sorry if this offends anyone here. i was just so frustrated with the system.

/r/indonesia Thread