Monthly Wrap-Up Thread

Alright. Now time for the important stuff.

When are we going to do the next Matchup Chart for /r/ssbm?

This time around I'll probably front load a shit ton of code into Luigi so he does most of the work from there on, but setting it up is just gonna take time. I think the last matchup chart went well, although I don't really give a hoot about the numbers, more about the discussion about character matchups. Here are my thoughts

Same stuff as before (Subject to change)

  • Round Robin character matchups
  • Not every character (will most likely go down from 14. Maybe just top 8 who knows)

Different Stuff (Subject to change)

  • No matchup numbers. Most likely just:
    • Heavy Advantage to Y
    • Advantage to Y
    • Close to even
    • Advantage to X
    • Heavy Advantage to X
  • Additional section under matchups for:
    • Best players and matches to watch
    • Yes, the only option is even, but it will be good for discussion
  • Comments that tag known pro players may be removed. I noticed that while it was really nice to have their input on matchups, I can imagine it would get quite annoying having multiple people call them into threads every week. This decision is not final.

A big idea

Here is my idea. Last time, people mentioned that a big issue when making a matchup chart is how weighting affects other matchups. For example, if Peach-ICs is 90-10, what does that make Fox-Puff? and how does Fox-Puff change if Peach-ICs is 75-25? So my idea is, if we do end up using numbers again, I will organize a list of the matchups from last time that go from worst to best, so we identify and rank all the worst matchups first, potentially allowing more precision in later matchups since we can slowly work our way inwards, instead of jumping around from 50-50's to 70-30's

Stuff I need from y'all

  1. For Dittos, since there aren't many different sections to discuss possible matchup weightings, what alternate sections should I have for the ditto threads? Or should I just leave it open?
  2. Do you guys want the numbers like I mentioned in A big idea, or do you prefer the "Advantage" style matchup descriptions? Are there any changes you'd make to either of those?
  3. Is there a different matchup ranking system you'd prefer?

Let me know all your thoughts!

/r/SSBM Thread