Moon-dust shield could help fight climate change on Earth

Yeah, right.

This is what you get when you allow astronomers to explore solutions to mitigate climate change. It appears that some of them are turning out to be frightened little environmental screamers just like all of the other climate alarmists.

Fortunately, just because they are picking a target and are now saying that the Moon is to blame, doesn’t mean that everyone is quite so foolish as to believe their claims.

“Every year 5,200 tons (4,700 metric tons) of interplanetary dust particles reach the Earth's surface, a new study reports. These novel findings suggest that cosmic dust is the main source of extraterrestrial material on Earth, far exceeding the input from larger, more visible meteorites, which are considered to bring less than 10 tons (nine metric tons) of material to Earth every year.” (Quote as per a 2022 article in Space dot com)

Perhaps these ‘astronomers’ can think of a way to simply “stop space” in its tracks so that the Earth and its climate won’t get so dirty. Let’s see what they’ve got.

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