Moonton aren't greedy. change my mind

Your right the issue has been for years. So you are absolutely right we should all just accept it and move on.

You know just like apple removed headphone ports from all phones or stopped shipping charging adapters.

Just accept it all and get fked.

My whole point is that you all are idiots who don't understand that skins offered for such prices is not okay in the first place, while f2p have to grind 4 weeks to try out a new hero. It's not even about buying. It's about the pure fact that these skins in the way that they are exist. Thing is you won't even understand that concept.

The point is that I'm arguing with kids about such things. Who can't comprehend that these things have consequences. But why would you. If you don't like it just leave right? Oh what? All other mobile mobas increased their prices because moonton got away with it? Well that's my fault too I guess. Ignoring the fact that it was stupid people who got us to this point in the first place. Fking idiots.

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