‘Moore’s law’ for carbon would defeat global warming - A plan to halve carbon emissions every decade, while green energy continues to double every five years, provides a simple but rigorous roadmap to tackle climate change, scientists say

global warming is about brainwashing young people who are easily inducted into a religion that sprouts on about apocalytpic doom and provides a path of self righteousness that you must follow in order to be gifted into heaven of release from psychological self and in-group condemnation (guilting).

it's sad to see such stupidity foist on so many willing naive and gullible people. but really, it wouldn't be a problem if they didn't demand everyone bend their behavior to the angry gods of global warming.

it is now becoming a problem. a lot of money is being spent to brainwash people about stupidity like 'moore's law for blablabla global warming' . and it will continue. if there's one and only one good think trump has and will ever have done it is to stop spending money on this nonsense and stop using the government to brainwash people toward buying into this religion. that said, goldman sachs is in charge of the whitehouse and they will likely use their influence to make money and this includes influencing policy about financializing any and everything to do with economic policy. the most absurd financialization schemes only being defensible with end of the world threats and fear based 'reasoning' . surely goldman sachs will bring global warming to bear on the presidents choices for their own gain. the trump presidency isn't over yet..

/r/Futurology Thread Link - theguardian.com