Mordekaiser 5.4 changes

Posting this here to hopefully get some visability, This is what i would do if I was "Fixing" Mordekaiser. Passive Iron Man - Mordekaiser converts 35% of the damage dealt from his abilities into a temporary absorption shield (half as effective against minions and monsters). Maximum shield strength is 90 + (30 × Mordekaiser's level). The shield decays by 3% per second. Proposed change - Mordekaiser converts 35% of the damage dealt from his abilities into a temporary absorption shield (half as effective against minions and monsters). Maximum shield strength is 120 + (50% bonus HP). The shield decays by 3% per second while out of combat (5 seconds). The reason I would do this is to incentivize, people to build some of the health items to tank up rather than just relying on levels to create a large shield pool. Mace of Spades - NO Change Creeping Death - ACTIVE: Mordekaiser creates a protective cloud of metal shards to surround an ally unit or himself for 6 seconds, increasing the target's armor and magic resistance and dealing magic damage each second to enemies within 250-range. MAGIC DAMAGE PER SECOND: 24 / 38 / 52 / 66 / 80 (+ 20% AP) ARMOR & MAGIC RESIST: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Proposed change - Same as Riot, casting on a ally grants a shield to both you and them (possibly with reduced damage if the target was being hit by both shields) and grants a small speed boost when moving towards each other. Siphon of Destruction - ACTIVE: Mordekaiser afflicts all enemies in a cone in front of him, dealing magic damage. (Range 700) MAGIC DAMAGE: 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+ 60% AP) Proposed change- minor range buff to 750 Children of the Grave - ACTIVE: Mordekaiser deals magic damage to a target enemy champion and curses it for 10 seconds, dealing additional magic damage over time and healing himself for the damage done. If the target dies while under the effect of the curse, their soul is enslaved as a controllable ghost and will follow Mordekaiser for 30 seconds. The Ghost cannot use any active skills or items and deals magic damage with its basic attacks. INITIAL MAGIC DAMAGE: 12 / 14.5 / 17% (+ 2% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health MAGIC DAMAGE PER SECOND: 1.2 / 1.45 / 1.7% (+ 0.2% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health TOTAL MAGIC DAMAGE: 24 / 29 / 34% (+ 4% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health The Ghost's stats are: HEALTH: The enslaved champion's total health plus 15% of Mordekaiser's total health. ATTACK DAMAGE: The enslaved champion's base AD at Lv. 1 plus its bonus AD from items and 75% of Mordekaiser's total AD. ABILITY POWER: The enslaved champion's AP plus 75% of Mordekaiser's AP. MOVEMENT SPEED: The enslaved champion's base movement speed plus the bonus from Mordekaiser's boots. LEASH RANGE: 1125 During this time, Mordekaiser gains 20% of the enslaved champion's total AP and AD. This bonus does not affect the ghost's stats. Proposed change- Same damage but a 20% slow to prevent just that one enemy from kiting around forever. Then a change to what Mordekaiser gains on kill. Instead of 20% ad/ap when you have the clone I think it should be 10/12.5/15% of the targets AD/AP/LS/SV/Bonus HP and 4/7/10% of the targets movement speed/AR/MR. This change will create some interesting strategies, do you try to burst the tank to become a turbo tank, or do you go for the easier kill but have less of a gain. This is probably not the best written post that most of you have seen but hopefully it makes sense and causes a discussion. I really like the champion and I want to see him go in a good direction. Thanks for reading my post.

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