More attention needs to be given to the rise in female predators, stop focusing on men only.

Yeah I understand, but your making overgeneralization s, many of them men I've met despise the system (personal experience isn't law but it's a perspective I guess). Women have not had the power I agree with you on that. But what I find flawed in your stance is that the men today have not been alive 100+ years ago. I'm sorry if I misunderstood you but the men today did not write the original laws back then, most men simply abode by them.

This whole "they created the system" is extremely flawed as the men today had no say in laws written before some of them were born. Men make up a majority of leaders where you live, not gonna deny that. But society needs to change its perspective to change the way we view topics lile sexual violence. We need society to understand so we can make a change. We need more empathy if we wish to change the way we view sexual violence. There are definitely sexist men out there, but from what I've been exposed to some men want change when it comes to sexual violence (very prevelent 56.1% women and 27.5% men.). If we want change we had to advocate and fight for it, help people understand how prevalent sexual violence is.

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