More Black Ops 4 Concept: Daily and Weekly Contracts and Special Quest lines in Black Market

The numbers aren't fully up to balance because I'm not spending time proving things on an early concept. I took the instinct that on average the time it takes me to get 1 headshot in Blackout is about the time it takes to get 5 in MP. The WWII Weeklies are partially good. The issue is that they were balanced with how that game is. For example in WWII there is a daily to get 75 Headshots with snipers, that's because it was easier to snipe in that game for headshots, unlike BO4.

The dailies in the concept may seem balanced because they are sourced from different dailies from games. MP is from BO3, Blackouts is from Fortnite and Zombies is from a Daily calling.

Ultimately it's showing off the idea and not the individual challenges themselves. Writing off the idea just because this challenge seems strict is pretty dumb. I'm getting an idea out there and I'm not paid to work out the most perfect balance in the world. Concepts are meant to get ideas out there initially.

" 500 headshots in a week for 3 cases u can earn just through 3 hours of in-game time " Also it looks like you're complaining about only 3 cases for a weekly. All these are bonuses on top of the ones you earn in playtime.

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