More deconfirmations from Vergeben plus he's unsure about a character from a company that he previously deconfirmed

So lemme get this straight. Capcom was deconfirmed originally, but then his source clarified that it was only the specific character that he listed from each company and not the companies themselves that were deconfirmed, and none of those characters were Capcom. But now, apparently he can confirm that its not literally every last remaining Capcom rep? Why did his source retract those claims if they immediately restated a day later that its nobody from Capcom?

On top of that, if it is indeed KOS-MOS, isn't that kinda weird how he found out about that? Like is Verge seriously listing off every character one-by-one, with his source responding "Nope, nope, nope... okay I can't say anything about that one", which would seem pretty suspicious to your leaker friend? This source must reaaaaally like fucking with people, because the tactic of deconfirming every character individually is getting ludicrous. Hell, maybe the source is fucking with him too.

Maybe that means his source is Harada-san lmao

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