More DLC? “A first look at a FEW characters from the first DLC pack”

The September DLC will not be 100% done at all yet, I never suggested it is done last minute I’m suggesting they still have to finish it.

Cyclops and Colossus have been released due to fan backlash and to keep people playing, they had no intention of bringing them out for the base game. The wording is very specific, yes it may be a marketing technique but it is still possible it isn’t as well.

Also more than 4 characters makes sense due to the desire for particular characters who wouldn’t otherwise make it. For example Doom and Silver Surfer who won’t make the F4 pack if there are only 4.

Again Cyclops and Colossus are also there to free up space for the X-Men DLC because the fans want X-Men they otherwise wouldn’t have got if Cyclops and Colossus weren’t released as separate DLC.

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