Is more expected of Liberals?

Trump hasn’t released his tax returns but he’s donated his entire salary as president each year since elected, more than Bernie probably has in a lifetime.

This isn’t to defend Trump, but point out how stupid his argument was when asked about this on Fox News, where he immediately deflected and said “but what about Trump’s taxes!”

Well, what about them?

The reason people are jabbing at Bernie is because his bottom line issue is about people paying their “fair share.”

He would certainly be more credible if he walked the walk. If you remember he didn’t even release his taxes when he ran in 2016, just an abstract or something of that nature.

You can’t create this “narrative” like Bernie has about the “wealthy” and then exempt yourself from the conversation and deflect to someone who doesn’t even care about your policy.

It doesn’t make any sense.

/r/AskALiberal Thread