More hypocrisy - "The most morally just thing would be a one-state solution. Jews would have to accept Israel as a homeland for the Jewish people and Palestinian people but it would not be a "Jewish state"." - zangorn

Do you agree with me that to deny Jews a state while allowing Arabs and Muslims to have states is bigoted and not treating Jews equally to Arabs and Muslims?

Actually, I do agree with you on that, and I believe Jews should be allowed a state. The question is, should they be allowed to have it exclusively for Jews only? And what is acceptable in terms of the treatment of the native people who must be displaced? In 1948, of course, there was mass ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to make room for the creation of Israel. That was wrong. But it happened, and now 70 years later, its ancient history. We can't change history. But we can stop it from continuing. I'm talking about brutal occupation and the policy of settlement expansion. If Israel absolutely wants to exclude Palestinians rather than having a one-state solution, then it should try and achieve a two-state solution. In which case, they should stop taking land away from what is clearly supposed to be a future Palestine. So if a one-state solution is out of the question, and a two-state solution is out of the question, as Netanyahu has said it is on his watch, then what options does Israel have?

By the way, if you ask the government of Germany what happens when they declare it is for one group of people only, they're going to admit they made a huge mistake in doing that and that it should happen, never again. Now, we can't really compare Israel with Nazi Germany though. The Germans killed 10s of millions of people, Israel has killed only 10s of thousands. So the holocaust was 1000 times worse, and it happened in fewer years, so it was more dramatic. But do Jews really want to be represented by a country that has a drawn-out campaign of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza? I argue that this policy of settlement expansion combined with declaring that Israel and Jewish are one and the same thing, does Jews a great disservice. At least, it should be recognized that the atrocities Israel commits are not done by Jews, but by Israel. By confusing the two invites anti-Jewish sentiment, because when Israel does something bad, to be against is can then be called anti-Semitic. But what if Israel does commit some atrocities like killing hundreds or thousands of innocent civilians?

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