The more often r/all sees this man, the more his message spreads. Let's show them what a hero looks like.

I’m sorry but I really don’t get why everyone likes this dude. He’s not very talented or funny and he only has one persona. He’s ripped but he’s not very intimidating. I can’t see him really unleashing any ferocity if he did get in a fight.

He also seems like a faux-nice person. One of those people that’s always acting cheery and altruistic but has bursts of seemingly unexplainable anger. He’s probably way out of touch with any of his real emotions and covers it up with this facade which is why he’s a boiling pot of anger underneath it all. Some of which is stemming from his own feelings of impotency and emasculation, hence the overcompensation with the huge muscles (not saying big muscles are a bad thing).

I saw a picture of him and his kid at a basketball game and he had one of those smiles that is barely covering up his stress and frustration and his kid looked like he was dissociated as fuck.

Wait, I think I just described half of reddit. Nvm. I get why you guys like him.

/r/CrewsCrew Thread Link -