More pure gold from "What Happened". Her team and Obama begged her not to attack Berniecrats. She attacked Berniecrats. It's their fault she lost.

well I got a message that shows yalls distaste for dissent, and I'm not one to ruin folks' safe spaces so I will no longer be replying. hold your applause and I enjoyed my brief (possibly not brief enough?) visit!

Hi there! We appreciate your participation at r/WayoftheBern, but you're just so damn annoying, and straining community tolerance. This is NOT notice of a ban, however, to continue contributing to WayoftheBern you MUST rewrite future comment to contain the phrase, "I like turtles", and then RESUBMIT your comment. Merely editing your non-compliant comment will not be sufficient, it must be resubmitted. It is simply an additional requirement for your comments. And as always, please enjoy your time at /r/WayOfTheBern!

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