More than 1,000 people descended on the US city of Portland on Sunday for an "alt-right" rally just nine days after two men were stabbed to death on a train.

"Skinheads, a subgroup of the larger Neo-Nazi Movement, traditionally presented themselves in a blatant, intimidating fashion replete with tattoos, Nazi symbology, and startling group imagery. Recently, however, the Skins have adopted a new tactic for recruitment: normalization. Members now strive to appear and behave more in accordance with mainstream societal standards in order to achieve perceived similarity with potential members. Using General Strain Theory to attribute the historical-sociological emergence of the Skinhead Movement to affirmative action, this article explores the phenomenon of normalization with a focus on the Skins’ evolving self-presentation, and describes a recent behavioral case example of the tactical change. Normalization is functionally explained in terms of frame alignment and frame resonance, while its effectiveness is demonstrated through Durkheim's construct of mechanical solidarity." "Furthermore, for a moral shock to be effective, the potential recruit must already, at least to some extent, share the social movement's moral ideal. For neo-Nazi activists, it is much more difficult to employ moral shocks as a tactic (cf.Cooter, 2006). A moral shock is successful only if the potential recruit is less 'taken' by the norm-breaking aspects of the shock than by the ideal-following aspect of the action. "

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