More than 50% of CEOs of companies without a net zero target admit they have NO CLUE how to measure co2 emissions

China’s also massively brought back coal into their energy strategy. Premier Li Keqiang can’t stop talking about how important coal is etc. Also the 14th Five Year plan talks a lot about “carbon peaking” by 2030 but gives mixed messages about the composition of the energy mix. I think with China you really have to look at what provincial governments are doing to implement national policy, so like Hunan not so great, but guangdong is doing some great stuff. As the world’s largest greenhouse emitter, what China does sets the course of the climate. I hope they figure it out. I think the really deep problem is that a single party system prizes stability above all because any error is an existential threat to party rule — even if that means burning a whole lot more coal than the world can afford to keep the energy supply steady.

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