More videos of what’s happening in Georgia

I mean it's easy to hate them for allowing this, but really how many people would speak out in a country where it would get you disappeared? I do have some compassion for them, it may be lessened by the fact that they let it happen and I'd certainly never donate to them over Ukrainians, but were all human, and we all want to protect our families at the end of the day. The fact that they are fleeing says that they probably are not all that patriotic about the war in the first place.

Nobody in Azerbaijan is speaking out about what their country is doing and has done to Armenians (heck their allies even try to spin it in their favor, and that's not even a country where you would get disappeared either). Nobody in China is speaking out about what the CCP has done to the Falun gong (cult or not..people don't deserve to be killed over being in a religious cult), and the Uyghur people who are being genocide...ed... and that's a country with what...15x more population than Russia? something like that. Sometimes standing up to these atrocities is not all that easy either.

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