A Mormon father shares some of his hateful mindset with his LGBT daughter

You can't talk to people like that. The religious ones who love you so much that they know better than you what is good for your "eternal soul".

This world is transitory for them and they have this nebulous idea of the perfect forever waiting for them . All they have to do is lead sinless lives, submit to their deity, and let not the evils of choice, understanding or acceptance into their lives.

You tell them who you are and they find reasons to explain to you why you are not that and in fact you are a victim of the evil others who seek to destroy the perfect little kids they raised.

To them, you will always be the little kid getting into mischief. They will never see you as an adult on a journey of self-discovery.

They won't ever hate you. they will love you forever, but they will never respect or accept you and you can't make them. They will never see until they choose to look.

So many don't choose to look until it's too late.

/r/worldnewsvideo Thread Link - v.redd.it