This morning the Senate fell one vote short of attaching a rider to a spending bill that would give the FBI sweeping new surveillance authority, including warrantless access to browsing history. Now, Senate leaders are trying to turn just one more senator in favor of the rider before doing a re-vote

"debunked" as in I've seen so many explanations (including DC vs Heller) of why arguing that 2A is only for "organized militia" that it isn't something I will entertain debates about.

we should do more in terms of requiring certain common-sense qualifications to own powerful firearms but removing access to them from qualified civilians is not the answer.

someone shared with me an entertaining video where a girly "huffpo" "reporter" guy was shocked and appalled that he could purchase an AR-15 in Florida in 38 minutes (even though he had no criminal record and no history of mental illness)...this actually does (unintentionally) highlight a big problem...idiots who have no business being anywhere near firearms CAN buy them.

How about instead of just a background check you have to prove you can actually accurately fire such a weapon, and that you know the lethal force laws in your home state.

The problem is we can't have this conversation because pathetic people incapable of critical thinking are swept up in the "omg its an assault weapon" propaganda nonsense and nobody who knows anything about guns can take such a person seriously.

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