Moronic Monday - Your weekly stupid questions thread

18 almost 19 year old virgin here i do the best i can in life i ended up dropping out of school but for the most part i try really hard in every thing i do i work out i eat healthy cook meals for me and my family and help people out whenever possible and im still a virgin its really hard for me to talk to girls idk what it is about it i just kinda freeze up and cant think clearly whenever talking to girls i dont really have a good friend i can ask to help me get a girlfriend i have one really close friend and he has a girlfriend but he doesnt really talk to a whole lot of girls either i just would like to know how to be myself around women bc rn i feel like i have to put on a mask around girls and even when i try really hard not to do that i end up trying to make a shit ton of shitty jokes just to sound cooler bc i dont know what else to say or do all the advice ive ever gotten is be yourself and be confident how in the fuck do i be myself and what does confidence look like

/r/Fitness Thread