The most annoying thing about the internet is that everyone assumes you are from the US or know everything about the US all the time.

Love how you're downvoted as you say the truth. Glad i checked OP's post history to see that a) he's 15 and just talking about reddit/whatever social media he goes to, and b) someone (you) already said what I was going to.

Cool, so by the Reddit's logic, I shouldn't expect people to think I'm British when I comment on a site like The Guardian, BBC, etc.. Reddit has been popping since this kid was in grade school, and has always largely represented US issues and news. We literally have a subreddit called /r/worldnews that mostly discusses stories within the US, and it's been that way as long as I can remember. I hate this post and the reactions to it.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread Parent