The most disturbing thing about the events in Turkey last night

More likely than your crackpot worldview reliant on nonsense stereotypes of Muslims and/or Turks, is that the quite liberal and secular populations of Turkey's two largest cities, where the AKP has comparatively little support, resented and resisted a bunch of armed thugs trying to roll Turkey back forty years to a very dark era.

While the military views itself as the protector of Atatürk's vision and is often portrayed that way in the West, the average Turk was more often a victim of the military than a beneficiary of its actions throughout the 20th century.

The entirety of Turkey's mainstream political parties publicly condemned the coup, because as flawed as Erdogan's government is, it is nonetheless one with a degree of democratic legitimacy that must be respected, if not liked.

The last time the military was in power, tens of thousands of ordinary Turks just "disappeared", so it's pretty understandable that Turks of all descriptions didn't want the coup to succeed. If Kemalists and liberals had actually supported the coup, it might have been a different outcome.

If the British Army had rolled some Challengers up Whitehall last night, I'd like to think that we'd have taken the same measures in defence of our most precious rights.

/r/ukpolitics Thread